SIAA’s Foreign Exchange (FX) course is designed to develop an understanding of the environment in which the products operate as well as the financial products themselves. This is not just for those providing general advice but also advisory staff who deal with wholesale clients – not institutions, but high net worth individuals who would be classed as sophisticated investors and who deal in some of the products that would not normally be traded by retail investors – such as spot transactions, forwards and currency options. The FX course covers FX markets, FX exchange products, taxation, and compliance.
For experienced practitioners it is an opportunity for a useful refresher for the purposes of CPD.
Learning outcomes
The FX course covers the areas of:
- FX markets
- FX exchange products
- Taxation
- Compliance
If claiming Professional Standards CPD, this course provides 10 Professional Standards CPD hours, the breakdown as follows: Technical competence 5 hours | Regulatory compliance and consumer protection 4 hours | General 1 hour.
Who should complete the course?
Those seeking RG146 compliance to provide general advice in the Tier 1 financial product area of foreign exchange and existing RG146 compliant financial market dealers and brokers, and authorised representatives, who wish to add an additional RG146 specialist knowledge area to their existing credentials.
Assessment details
1 x Online Exam (Closed Book, 40 questions, 1.5hrs + 15min reading time, 80% passmark)
Suggested study hours
Allow up to 90 hours
Is there any assumed pre-requisite knowledge ?
There is no assumed knowledge for this course. Students are likely to have completed Core 1: Securities and Managed Investments prior to studying a specialisation. It is the licensee’s responsibility to ensure that their staff have the required requisite knowledge for their role.
How does the process work?
Kaplan Professional has partnered with SIAA to provide RG146 accreditation for our courses. This course is administered by SIAA and our certificates of RG146 accreditation issued upon completion are jointly distributed with Kaplan Professional. Enrolments close at 3.00pm every Monday Sydney time.
- Candidate enrols online/registration is received.
- Candidate receives Welcome email from SIAA on Tuesday with course information/study materials.
- Candidate completes and returns ‘Exam Booking Form’ to schedule their exam day/time. This must be done at least 3 days prior to exam.
- SIAA releases exam/closes exam at designated day/time.
- The Candidate’s approved Supervisor supervises exam and returns the ‘Declaration by Online Exam Supervisor’ to SIAA. Results will not be released until SIAA has received the completed ‘Declaration by Online Exam Supervisor’.
- Candidate receives result (results are released within 1 working day). Candidate receives Certificate (Certificates are issued end of each month).
Please ensure that the course you intend to enrol in is one you are required to undertake and are committed to completing, as fees are non-refundable. Substitutes are welcome within the enrolment period.
Please note the $250 exam resit fee includes up to three resits. If a second or third resit is required please contact our Student Services Manager at [email protected] or phone 02 8080 3200.
Foreign Exchange
Non-Member: $520.00
Organisation Member: $490.00
Foreign Exchange Online Exam Remote Supervision
Non-Member: $75.00
Organisation Member: $75.00
Foreign Exchange Online Exam Resit
Non-Member: $250.00
Organisation Member: $250.00
Useful downloads
Please go to each course page to enrol directly online.
- Application to be an Online Exam Supervisor (to be completed and returned by new Supervisors)
- Declaration by Online Exam Supervisor (to be completed and returned by Supervisors following supervision of a candidate’s online exam)
SIAA Exam Booking Form (to be completed and returned by candidate at least 3 days prior to them sitting their online exam)
Academic Misconduct Policy (individuals who enrol in a SIAA course are bound by our Academic Misconduct Policy)
Enrolments close at 3.00pm every Monday Sydney time.