You can manage your membership online or contact us on +61 2 8080 3201 with any queries.
Renew your membership
Your membership of SIAA underwrites our important policy and advocacy work particularly in dealing with the regulatory regime. It also helps us to help you satisfy your CPD needs. Membership renewals are issued on 1 October each year and your renewal invoice will be available on that day.
Advance your membership
You can apply to advance to Master Practitioner member if you have met the criteria for the next tier of membership. Contact our Member Services Manager on +61 2 8080 3201 or email [email protected]
if you wish to take up this option.
if you wish to take up this option.
Re-join as a member
Your membership may have lapsed and you want to re-join your community of peers. You can call our Member Services Manager on +61 2 8080 3201 or email
[email protected]
for guidance on how to re-join SIAA.
[email protected]
for guidance on how to re-join SIAA.