Actions taken and achievements gained on your behalf by SIAA during your last membership year
- announcement by the new government that advisers with 10 years’ experience and a clean record are not required to undertake additional tertiary study
- consultation by the new government on changes to the qualification pathway for new entrants
- the recommendation by Treasury and government that AFCA more actively exercise its existing discretion to exclude wholesale complaints
- appointment of nine SIAA members to the Financial Services and Credit Panel (Single Disciplinary Body)
- development of an agreed Off Market Transfer form for bulk CHESS share transfers
- collaboration with 11 other advice associations to present a united voice on the Quality of Advice Review
- issue of SIAA’s first ever thought leadership discussion paper Does the wholesale investor test need to change?
We have
- lodged 17 submissions to ASIC, Treasury, ASX, FASEA, Cboe, the Australian Law Reform Commission and Parliament, including one in collaboration with 11 other advice associations as part of the Joint Associations Working Group
- attended over 76 government and stakeholder meetings and roundtables
- provided feedback on the stockbroking example Record of Advice attached to ASIC’s Information Sheet 266 and
- given evidence to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee on the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort.
SIAA has also:
- continued to advocate for the financial adviser exam to be made fit for purpose for the stockbroking and investment advice profession
- engaged with ASX on the CHESS replacement project and expectations arising from ASIC report 708
- engaged with ASIC on the November 2020 ASX market outage
- represented the interests of stockbrokers and investment advisers in discussions on the Quality of Advice Review
- continued to challenge Standards 3 and 6 of the Code of Ethics
- continued to represent the interests of our members who are registered by the TPB to provide tax (financial) advice.
Professional development
- regular free webinars that meet all areas of CPD , keep you up to date with regulatory changes and in conjunction with the conference fulfil the 40 hours per year requirement
- a hybrid conference geared to the issues of relevance to our members both in terms of current regulatory challenges and future trends that will shape business models
- professional development workshops developed to ensure the practical application of new skills and knowledge.