Category: SIAA Newsroom

ASIC takes a reasonable approach

ASIC announced last week that it will take a reasonable approach in the early stages of the regulatory reforms coming into effect in October 2021, provided industry participants are using […]

The government and ASIC consult on crypto offerings

With cryptocurrency in the news almost daily, ASIC has released Consultation Paper 343 on crypto-assets as underlying assets for ETPs and other investment products providing investors with exposure to crypto-assets. […]

General vs personal advice

SAFAA’s recent CPD webinar on General V Personal advice provided a good opportunity for attendees to ask questions about the grey areas between general and personal advice and tease out […]

Should finfluencers be regulated?

On ABC TV recently and at the SAFAA conference, Senator Jane Hume, Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy said that people offering advice on social media about […]